green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
17 March 2021

Your rating progress

Chess players are obsessed with ratings these days, even though, because of the COVID pandemic, there is an understandable shift from comparing FIDE Elos to boasting 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
14 February 2021

Play Henrik in the Play Magnus App!

Starting February 14th, you will be able to challenge Henrik Carlsen in the Play Magnus app. His spot on the Hall of Fame is as deserved »
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
8 February 2021

♟️🧰 New Lesson // Space advantage

How does one obtain space advantage and use it to cruise to victory? What are the potential pitfalls of getting overzealous when it comes to grabbing space? Let’s find out! 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
4 February 2021

Psychological Tricks in Chess – Part I

To what extent is psychology important in chess? Opinions vary greatly. On the one hand, Bobby Fischer famously stated: “I don't believe in psychology. I believe 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
2 February 2021

♟️🧰 New Lesson // Queen vs. Two Knights

Somewhat surprisingly, of all the combinations of minor pieces two knights do the best job of fighting off the queen. Let's see how these fierce battles usually proceed! 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
1 February 2021

💎 Openings Week // Queen Pawn Openings - The Pseudo-Trompowsky - Guess the Move

A game from which we learn that the Pseudo-Trompowsky can lead to problems for White. 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
31 January 2021

💎 Openings Week // Queen Pawn Openings - The Pseudo-Trompowsky

This is a clumsy name for an opening variation, but it is one that has stuck. Let's take a look at this poorer cousin of the Trompowsky itself. 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
29 January 2021

💎 Openings Week // Queen Pawn Openings - Magnus Plays the Trompowsky - Guess the Move

Today we will try to guess Magnus' moves in his crushing attack in the Trompowsky. 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
28 January 2021

💎 Openings Week // Queen Pawn Openings - The Trompowsky

The Trompowsky, named after a Brazilian master, is a cousin of the Torre Attack and Veresov openings. An early Bg5 is common to all, but in the Trompowsky, the bishop is developed before either of the White knights. This gives the position an original flavor. 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
28 January 2021

💎 Openings Week // Queen Pawn Openings - The Trompowsky Mainline - Guess the Move

Black does not have it all his own way after 2.Bg5 Ne4, as we are about to see. 
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